Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Personal Space

Let me paint you a picture.  You are standing in a public bathroom.  Annoying enough right?  You just braved the petri dish that is the ladies room stall and you are about to wash your hands.  You are already feeling violated and cant wait to be done with this experience.  You turn the sink on and you notice from the corner of your eye that someone is approaching your personal space at rapid speed.  Your eyes widen as this person comes closer and closer, right to the sink next to yours!  Now, when all other sinks are taken this action is regrettable but understandable.  However, when you are in a bathroom with six sinks and the only one that is occupied is the one you are washing your hands at, there is no excuse for this serious space invading behavior.  As I put on my Facebook status a few weeks ago, "When there are 6 sinks in a public bathroom, I'm at one and the other 5 are open and you come to the sink next to me, I think you are rude and have no regard for others personal space."  I firmly believe this to be true and can't understand for the life of me why no one else seems to share this sentiment!

Why am I so bothered by this?  A- because I don't want strangers closer to me then they need to be and B-because it constantly happens to me in the ladies room.  And to make it worse, it's usually the same people who are guilty!  Once and a while you have a lapse of judgement but all the time?!  Do you think that I want to be inches away from someone I barely know, who is glancing my way in the mirror to sneak at peak at what I'm doing- I'm clearly washing my hands.  It is awkward and uncomfortable.  This isn't just something that happens in the ladies room though.  I have heard stories of men who choose to use the urinal next to someone else when there are clearly others available far, far away. Weird!  And it's not just in the bathroom that this can occur.  Personal space invaders are lurking in the corners everywhere you go!  This blog is not only to vent a constant frustration I experience as a result of being invaded, but it is also to implore the people out there that are guilty of this, and you know who you are, to please back off!  I promise you it will be ok if you move just one sink over, choose a further urinal or stand a reasonable distance from me when we are having a conversation.  I promise you, the world and I will thank you for this consideration!

Leave a comment if you agree, disagree, had this happen to you or are a space invader yourself- I'd love to know why!  

-Nicole Thinks... 

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